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- Residency
Residency in the Division of General Surgery
Residency Program
Program Director, Residency Training
Dr. Savtaj Brar
Welcome to the University of Toronto’s General Surgery Residency Training Program. The residency training program in General Surgery at the University of Toronto is the largest and perhaps most diverse of its kind in Canada. Our vision is to ensure excellence in clinical and academic training of our Residents. We know that we are preparing tomorrow’s leaders in General Surgery.
Our training Program is home to approximately 100 faculty members, over 6 Fully Affiliated Academic Health Centres, and 5 Affiliated Community Hospitals. In addition, the Program provides rural training opportunities through the Rural Ontario Medicine Training Program. We offer outstanding opportunities to engage in research activities; via longitudinal research electives or through the Clinical Investigator Program. Our faculty members are highly invested in Residency Training and many are opinion leaders in their own subspecialty area of General Surgery.
Under the leadership of Drs. Rutka, (University Department Chair), Levine (Department of Surgery, Post Graduate Director), Swallow (University Division Chair) and Brar (General Surgery, Program Director), the Program provides a rich environment for learning and enquiry. The University of Toronto teaching hospitals provide surgical care for a large urban population as well as patients from a vast catchment area and referral network. This arrangement provides outstanding learning opportunities and a breadth of clinical volume that is unsurpassed almost anywhere in North America. We warmly invite you to be part of our Program.
Please contact Ms. Madeline Ng ( or Dr. Sav Brar ( to learn more.
Fully Affiliated Academic Health Centres:
- Mount Sinai Hospital
- University Health Network - Toronto General
- University Health Network - Toronto Western
- St Michael's Hospital
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- The Hospital for Sick Children
Affiliated Community Hospitals:
- North York General Hospital
- Humber River Regional Hospital
- Trillium Health Centre
- St Joseph's Health Care Centre
- Toronto East General Hospital
Wellness Resources
Program Support
Program Director: Dr. Sav Brar
Wellness Lead: Dr. Tulin Cil
Director of Postgraduate Medical Wellness Office: Dr. Julie Maggi
Director of Learner Experience, Faculty of Medicine: Dr. Reena Pattani
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Lead: Dr. Erin Kennedy
Support Services
Postgraduate Medical Education Wellness Office
The Office of Resident Wellness was created to help support the well-being of the University of Toronto’s Post Graduate Medical Education trainees and to offer assistance to those encountering difficulties during training. All currently registered residents and fellows have access to support services such as confidential counseling/psychotherapy and wellness coaching.
Open Monday to Friday. For office hours, appointments and further information, contact:
Tel.: 416 946-3074 | Email:
PARO Helpline (24/7): 1-866-HELP-DOC (1.866.435.7362)
Ontario Medical Association Physician Health Program (PHP)
Open Monday-Friday, 8:45am-5pm. Contact for services and inquiries: Tel.: 1.800.851.6606 | Email:
Wellness Support Line (24/7 crisis support): 1.800.851.6606
Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Wellness Hub
Wellness Resources for Faculty (and Residents)
Psychological First Aid for Frontline Health Care Providers During COVID-19
CaRMS Selection and Training Opportunities
University of Toronto Postgraduate Medical Education – Apply for Training
Elective training opportunities
AFMC Student Portal – Visiting elective application service for undergraduate medical students.
Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) - application and matching service for medical training throughout Canada (for Canadian citizens and permanent residents)
Program Description
Information and Policies
Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN)
Professional Responsibilities in Medical Education
Policies and Guidelines
Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME)
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME)
Resident Registration and Administrative Information
- The Latest on COVID-19
- Central Assessment Guidelines and Policies
- Central Safety Guidelines and Policies
- Central Wellness Guidelines and Policies
- Board of Examiners – Postgraduate Medical Education (BOE-PG): Residents In Academic Difficulty
- Immunization and Communicable Disease Policy
- Intimidation and Harassment Guidelines
- Leaves of Absence and Training Waivers Policy 2015
General Surgery Residency Training Program
- CAGS Final Year Study Policy
- Call Pool Resident Agreement
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Emergency Preparedness Policy
- Handover Policy
- Principles of Resident and Fellow Interactions
- Religious Observances Policy
- Resident Duty Hours Policy
- Resident Safety Policy (See also CPSO and PGME health and safety guidelines)
- Residency Training Vacation Policy
- Terms of Reference Document Reimbursement of Resident Travel Expenses
- U of T Safety Abroad
- Visiting Residents Policy
Administrative Structure
General Surgery - Residency Program Committee (GS-RPC)
Faculty | |
Dr. Savtaj Brar | Chair; Program Director; Mount Sinai Hospital |
Dr. Shiva Jayaraman | Associate Program Director, Curriculum; Unity Health Toronto - St. Joseph’s Health Centre |
Dr. Preeti Dhar | Assistant Program Director, University Health Network - Toronto General Hospital |
Dr. Peter Stotland | Assistant Program Director, North York General Hospital |
Dr. Georges Azzie | Resident Site Coordinator, The Hospital for Sick Children |
Dr. Danielle Bischof | Resident Site Coordinator, Mount Sinai Hospital |
Dr. Marcus Burnstein | Resident Site Coordinator, Unity Health Toronto - St. Michael’s Hospital |
Dr. Tulin Cil | Wellness Lead; Resident Site Coordinator, University Health Network - Princess Margaret Hospital |
Dr. Jamie Cyriac | Resident Site Coordinator, Toronto East Health Network/Michael Garron |
Dr. Laz Klein | Resident Site Coordinator, Humber River Hospital |
Dr. Nicole Look Hong | Resident Site Coordinator, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Dr. Ashlie Nadler | Resident Site Coordinator, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Dr. Aman Pooni | Toronto East Health Network/Michael Garron |
Dr. Todd Penner | Resident Site Coordinator, University Health Network - Toronto Western Hospital |
Dr. Ted Ross | Resident Site Coordinator, Women's College Hospital |
Dr. Melanie Tsang | Resident Site Coordinator, Unity Health Toronto - St. Joseph’s Health Centre |
Residents | |
Dr. Alice Zhu | PGY1 |
Dr. Elliot Yee | PGY1 |
Dr. Karanbir Brar | PGY1 |
Dr. Sachin Doshi | PGY2 |
Dr. Kimberley Lam Tin Cheung | PGY2 |
Dr. Johanna Pinto Lee | PGY2 |
Dr. Riordan Azam | PGY3 |
Dr. Luckshi Rajendran | PGY3 |
Dr. Jordyn Vernon | PGY3 |
Dr. Hala Muaddi | PGY4 |
Dr. May-Anh Nguyen | PGY4 |
Dr. Graham Skelhorne-Gross | PGY4 |
Dr. Serio Acuna | PGY5 |
Dr. Dhruvin Hirpara | PGY5 |
Dr. Megan Melland-Smith | PGY5 |
Dr. Julian Daza Vargas | Surgeon Scientist Training Program |
Dr. Keegan Guidolin | Surgeon Scientist Training Program |
Dr. Alexander Gregor | Surgeon Scientist Training Program |
Dr. Phil Williams | SSTP, Selections Committee Co-Chair |
Non-Voting Members | |
Madeline Ng | Program Coordinator |
Dr. Carol Swallow | Chair, Division of General Surgery (ex officio) |
Dr. Mojdan Hodaie | Director, Postgraduate Education (ex officio) |
General Surgery Competency Committee
Dr. Preeti Dhar, Chair Dr. Georges Azzie Dr. Savtaj Brar |
Dr. Tulin Cil Dr. Jamie Cyriac Dr. Shiva Jayaraman |
Dr. Brian Pinchuk Dr. Peter Stotland Dr. Melanie Tsang |
Structure and Organization of the Program
Division of General Surgery, Organization Table
University-Affiliated Hospitals
Clinical Faculty by Site
Residency Training Program Goals and Objectives
Clinical Rotation Goals and Objectives
Hospital for Sick Children - Pediatric Surgery
Humber River Hospital - General Surgery
Mount Sinai Hospital - Aqua Team - Junior
Mount Sinai Hospital - Aqua Team - Senior
Mount Sinai Hospital - Blue Team - Junior
Mount Sinai Hospital - Blue Team - Senior
Mount Sinai Hospital - Orange Team - Junior
Mount Sinai Hospital - Orange Team - Senior
North York General Hospital - General Surgery
St. Joseph's Health Centre - General Surgery
St. Joseph's Health Centre - Thoracic Surgery (PGY1)
St. Michael's Hospital - General Surgery - Junior
St. Michael's Hospital - General Surgery - Senior
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre - Breast and Melanoma
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre - General Surgery - Junior
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre - General Surgery - Senior
Toronto East Health Network-Michael Garron Hospital - General Surgery
Toronto East Health Network-Michael Garron Hospital - Thoracic Surgery (PGY1)
Trillium Health Partners - General Surgery
UHN-Princess Margaret Hospital - Breast and Melanoma
UHN-Toronto General Hospital - General Surgery
UHN-Toronto Western Hospital - General Surgery
Women's College Hospital - Ambulatory Care
Resident Handbook:
Gen Surg Handbook Dec2019
Helpful Hints:
Teaching of Intrinsic Roles
Resources for Success
Educational videos, links, and other resources
Clinical Faculty and Hospital Sites:
Clinical Faculty and Medical Education Contacts
UofT PGME Rotation Schedule
Access Payroll Resources
Call Stipends Resources
Update in General Surgery |
April |
Annual |
Annual Assembly Research Information Night |
May May |
Annual Annual |
Ready, Set, Go PGYI Orientation |
June |
Annual |
Resident Education Retreat CAGS In-training Exam |
September December |
Biennial Annual |
Evaluation of Resident Performance
Technical Skills and Responsibilities of Junior Trainees:
Technical Skills and Responsibilities of Junior Trainees
Relative Ranking Scale for Technical Skills
Resident Colonoscopy Assessment
Required Assignments:
Professionalism Assignment for PGY1 Residents in General Surgery
Mentorship Project for PGY2 Residents in General Surgery
CBD Scholarly Project for PGY2s
PGCorED Performance:
PGCorEd Learning Modules
Evaluation of Consultation Note:
Evaluation of Consultation Note Form
Competence By Design (CBD)
Entrustable Professional Activities for General Surgery
Foundations of Discipline (FOD)
Guidelines for Promotion