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Message from the Vice-Chair, Research
Research is a unique strength and a core mission of the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. Excellence in research drives an academic clinical department forward and ensures that the best treatments are offered to our patients, families and the public. Over two hundred clinical and basic science faculty in the University of Toronto (UT) Department of Surgery have a major commitment to research (53 surgeon scientists, 105 surgeon investigators, 46 scientists). This passion for innovation is reflected by 1700 peer reviewed journal articles per year (many in high impact journals), over $46 million in annual peer-reviewed research support and multiple patents. In addition, the UT Department of Surgery is strongly committed to training the next generation of surgeon scientists. The UT Surgeon Scientist Training Program (SSTP), founded in 1983, leads the world in its commitment to advancing the integration of research into the education of future academic surgeons. Currently 25 surgical residents are enrolled in the UT SSTP and pursue a variety of preclinical and applied clinical/health services research directions. The vision and direction of research is supported by a dedicated Research Committee, the members of which are listed below. The Department of Surgery plays host to many annual distinguished visiting lectureships which add to the academic milieu. The crowning event annually is the department’s "Gallie Day"—a day in which the department’s excellence in research is highlighted. The future for surgical research at the University of Toronto is bright. This research excellence is a key driver underlying the innovation and cutting edge advancements which distinguish the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto among the world’s leading academic departments of surgery.
Michael Fehlings
Vice Chair, Research