Jaime Escallon
M.D., F.R.C.S.C

A graduate of the University of El Rosario in Bogota, Colombia, Came to Canada and completed the Gallie Program in General Surgery getting his Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons in 1981. Went back to Colombia and practiced there for 20 years achieving important positions: Chair of the Department of Surgery and Chief of Staff at the University Hospital, Foundation Santa Fe de Bogota; President of the Colombian Association of General Surgeons; President of the Colombian Association of Clinical Nutrition and the Latin American Federation of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Chair of the Committee on Education and Surgical Infection of the Latin American Federation of Surgical Societies.
In 2002 was invited to come to Toronto for a Sabbatical and during this year was offered a position as Head of the Division of General Surgery at the Toronto Western Hospital (University Health Network). Currently he is the Coordinator of Breast Surgery and the Breast Center of Excellence at the Mount Sinai Hospital.
He has had many interests having developed a course on Total Parenteral Nutrition that is currently being implemented in many countries in different languages; also developed a course on Wound and Surgical Infection with similar success. His academic activity was mainly with the Javeriana University in Colombia and with the U of Toronto as Associate Professor of Surgery, was also until recently actively involved in the General Surgery Residency program as Associate Program Director.
His interest in surgical oncology has always been part of his professional activity but in the last 5 years has concentrated mainly on Surgical Oncology specifically Breast Cancer which is the main focus of his current practice. Participates in several Clinical Trials related to Breast Cancer and has an interest in Surgical Education.