Carol-Anne Moulton

A graduate of Melbourne University Medical School, Melbourne, Australia, in 1992, Dr. Moulton proceeded to complete basic and advanced general surgical training affiliated with the Austin Campus, Melbourne. She completed a clinical fellowship in Laparoscopic Upper GI/ HPB surgery at St. Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne in 2002 and traveled to Canada to complete the HPB surgical oncology clinical fellowship at Toronto General Hospital in 2003. She undertook research studies in surgical skills training as a graduate student in Health Professional Education as a fellow at the Wilson Centre and University of Toronto, and received a Masters of Education in 2006. She continued as a graduate student enrolling in a PhD program with the Institute of Medical Science studying surgical judgment, completing this in 2010. She is currently an Associate Professor, University of Toronto and Staff Surgeon with the Division of General Surgery, University Health Network. Her clinical practice is devoted to Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary surgical oncology. She is appointed as Scientist in the Wilson Centre and continues her program of research studying surgical judgment and the social psychology of surgeons.