Barbara Jemec

Dr. Jemec is a Staff Plastic Surgeon working in the Schroeder Institute for Arthritis Hand Unit at the Toronto Western Hospital.
Originally, she is a British-trained Staff Plastic Surgeon with 17 years’ experience as a senior clinician in Hand and Plastic Surgery in central London Teaching Hospitals, which operates on a hub and spoke model incorporating a community based practice.
Dr. Jemec obtained the FRCSC in 2019, the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada 2021 and holds an independent license with the CPSO.
Jemec furthermore holds the Intercollegiate Examination in Plastic Surgery from the UK (FRCS(Plast)) and the European Board of Plastic Surgery (EBOPRAS).
She has a higher graduate research degree in Hand Surgery (Dupuytren’s Disease) from the University of London, MD(Res), which has been recognised by the University of Toronto as a PhD, and continue to publish in clinical research.
Dr. Jemec has extensive experience in Global Surgery, and is the founder of the Board of the British Foundation of International Reconstructive Surgery and Training (BFIRST), which is the official charity of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, and aims to train local surgeons in resource poor countries in relevant reconstructive surgery to an independent level. She has worked in Ghana, Mali, Bolivia, Sierra Leone and continues to collaborate with colleagues in Bangladesh.
She was elected to serve on Council for the British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH), the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), where she served as the president for the Plastic Surgery section in the past.
Dr. Jemec now sits on the Board for the Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand (CSSH).