Ahmed Sami Chadi
M.D., F.R.C.S.C

Dr. Sami Chadi joined the Division of General Surgery, Sprott Department of Surgery, as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. His practice focus is in Colorectal Surgery and Surgical Oncology.
Sami completed his undergraduate degree in Genetics at Western University and subsequently attended the University of Toronto for his medical degree. After graduating, he trained in the University of Western Ontario’s General Surgery program in London. He subsequently completed his Masters’ Degree in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Research Methodology at McMaster University. During his residency, he received a number of PSI Research Grants as well as the Murray Girotti, Class of ‘49 and Canadian Association of General Surgeons (CAGS) Awards in Surgical Education. He served as the National Chair of the Resident’s Committee for CAGS. Upon obtaining his Royal College certification in General Surgery, he completed a fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida (CCF) in Colorectal Surgery, where he obtained his American Board of Surgery certification in General and Colorectal Surgery. Sami went on to complete a second year at CCF in Minimally Invasive and Advanced Colorectal Surgery focusing on minimally invasive approaches to re-operative surgery. During this time, he received training in advanced approaches to sphincter-preservation in rectal cancer including Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (TaTME) using transanal endoscopic approaches to an oncologically appropriate proctectomy and coloanal reconstruction.
Sami plans to continue his research in Toronto focusing on functional and oncologic outcomes in Colorectal Surgical Oncology, while mentoring medical students and residents through the successful completion of research initiatives. He is interested in promoting social media access to medical professionals (@SChadi_CRS) to enhance the establishment of international clinical and research collaborative initiatives.
Administrative assistant:
Shathana Kunapalasingham
Email: Shathana.Kunapalasingham@uhn.ca
Phone: 416-340-5444
Fax: 416-603-5936